Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog About Twitter

A Twitter discussion can be much more effective and efficient than a Blackboard or an in-class discussion. Why? Well there's the 140 character limit to start. No one wants to have to post 3 different replies just to get their point across. The character limit forces you to get straight to the point and say only what you need to say. In class, you can fumble and bumble (Credit to John Madden) your way through whatever point you are trying to make, sometimes not even making an actual point. On Twitter, you either have a point or you don't. It's easy to scroll past it instead of wasting time listening to a non-point. Blackboard is similar to Twitter in a sense, because most students won't be writing paragraphs of responses either. However, the 140 limit really forces you to hone in on your point.

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