Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Next New

I think the next new media should be one that focuses on career development. While there is LinkedIn and Indeed that focuses on promoting your brand or finding new career opportunities, a new social media that lists upcoming events for different fields would be very beneficial. Often times, there are several events that allow for networking or even just listening and learning from your peers, but many individuals do not know about these events. They often remain open to only a select few people that came into knowledge of it through different ways. The new media could differentiate the events by field, or even location, or even time, such as which one is approaching sooner. This would be very helpful to individuals wanting to further their careers.


  1. This new media that you are suggesting would definitely even out the playing field in the job market. Most jobs nowadays are given to select people that are "in the know". If there was a social media that constantly posted opportunities to everybody, the talent pool would expand for sure and would definitely be more beneficial to employers who are seeking talent from all places.

  2. If this is the next new thing, I believe there will be more job opportunities opened for us. Less pressure, and more advises from peers.

  3. A very helpful type of new media for students like us who are aspiring to develop professionally and find prospective job opportunities.

  4. A very helpful type of new media for students like us who are aspiring to develop professionally and find prospective job opportunities.

  5. Why are we not investing this? We need something like this especially as college students who are in need for advice and peer support.

  6. I agree that there should be new media that deals with this explicitly. It will benefit every college student out there.
